"Gua sengaja ga ngepost beberapa hari ini. Gua cuma mau nungguin ada post-an baru apa enggak. Dan ternyata ga ada..rasanya blog bersama ini lama-lama jadi blog pribadi gua, soalnya rata-rata isinya post-an gua semua"
Huaahh...capek banget!! TIREDTIREDTIRED!
Dari kemaren, gua, Ike, Nandy, Indah sama Alif ngerjain final project bahasa Inggris. Dari hari Minggu sampe Senen berturut-turut (sampe hari ini). Karena deadline-nya BESOK, jadi terpaksalah kita bikin video asal-asalan. YANG PENTING JADI! Daripada ga ngumpulin, bisa-bisa dapet E dah kelompok gua! Diterima aja kagak hasil kerjaan kita kalo ngumpulinnya ga tepat waktu. No exception juga buat yang ngumpulin sehari setelah deadline (parah banget yak). Asal lu tau, script aja baru dibikin pas hari Jum'at, itu-pun masih belom di-translate ke english. Nge-translatenya baru hari Minggu.
Dan you must know, yang ngerjain script-nya cuma gua sama Ike doang (eh, Deva sama Zora juga bantuin deng). Ike aja cuma bantuin bikin alur cerita sama dialog doang. Dan 3/4 script gua yang bikin, 1/4-nya lagi Ike. Yang nge-transalate juga gua semua..ckckck..Member lainnya? BORO-BORO!! Setuju aja kagak sama cerita yang gua buat. Masih bagus ada yang mau buat cerita. Tadinya mereka pada ga setuju tuh sama cerita bikinan gua (except Indah), dan mutusin buat minta temen mereka supaya bikin script. Hello?? Kalo gini mah, ga pure hasil kerja kita dong? Ga ngehargain usaha gua banget sih! Udah capek-capek gua bikinin..masih bagus ada yang mau buat. Kalo kagak, MAKAN TUH NILAI E!!
Tapi, akhirnya mereka minta maaf dan setuju sama script bikinan gua :)
Sunday, November 29th 2009
Hemm..karena di drama kita ada scene di kelas, jadi kita mutusin buat dateng ke sekolah hari Minggu. Suerrr...SEPI BANGET! Actually, kita ke sekolah dengan harapan bakalan ada pak Min yang bisa bukain kunci kelas. Jadi kita bisa gunain kelas-nya buat shooting. Tapi ternyataaa...PAK MIN-NYA GA ADA! Yuckyuckyuck. Terus, gimana kita shooting scene yang di kelas-nya dong? Karena waktu-nya udah bener-bener MEPEEETT banget, akhirnya kita bikin kelas dadakan di koridor sekolah.
Seperti apakah kelas-nya??
Berhubung murid-nya cuma 3 orang, plus guru jadi 4 orang, kita ngambil 4 kursi yang nangkring di depan ruang guru. Udah tuh, dijejerin. Ceritanya 1 kelas ada 20 orang, jadi kita butuh 27 kursi lagi buat bikin kelas yang ga janggal (mana ada kelas isinya cuma 3 orang?). Akhirnya, kita muter-muter sekolah dari lantai 1 sampe lantai 3. Tapi kita ga nemuin kursi satupun! Kursi-nya pada ada di dalem kelas semua, sedangkan kelasnya kekunci. Gimana bisa ngambil?
Buat meja-nya? GUA CUMA NEMU SATU MEJA! Sedangkan murid-nya ada 3 orang! Kalo cuma 1 murid yang dikasih meja, sisanya gimana? Akhirnya tuh meja dijadiin meja guru deh. Dan muridnya belajar tanpa meja. Kalo meja sih emang banyak, noh..di dalem kelas ada 30 meja nganggur! Kalo bisa diambil udah gua ambil deh. Sayangnya kelasnya dikunci -___________- (nasib-nya sama kayak si kursi)
Papan tulis-nya? Jadi gini, gua lagi liat papan pengumuman di deket ruang guru. Tiba-tiba, seseorang yang namanya 'IDE' silaturahmi ke otak gua. "oh iya..kenapa tuh papan pengumuman ga dijadiin papan tulis? Tinggal geser doang kan..". Jadilah..SEKOLAH DADAKAN a la Syifa, Indah, Ike, Nandy dan Alif.
Buat yang bingung sama kata-kata gua, kalian bisa liat denah sekolah dadakan di bawah :
Suerr..settingannya si boleh di USA. Eh, sekolahnya kayak gini -_____- Mana ada sekolah kayak begini di USA? Abalisme banget yak kelas kayak gini.
Oke deh, akhirnya kita shooting disini. Butuh beberapa kali take buat ngambil gambar disini, tapi akhirnya kita bisa juga nyelesein bagian ini sebelom magrib.
Abis itu, kita mutusin buat ke Teras Kota a.k.a. Teko buat shooting scene di cafetaria. Dan kita pergi ke 'D'Flava' (tempat semacem Heavenly Blush, Sour Sally, ato Jcool). Hemm..kebagusan juga sih buat dijadiin cafetaria-nya sekolah. Mumpung sepi karena tempatnya terpencil, akhirnya kita mulai shooting. Tapi kita lupa satu hal!!!
SIAPA YANG NGE-SHOOT? Geblek abis..buat scene yang di cafetaria, semuanya pada acting. Jadi otomatis ga ada yang megang handycam-nya doongg...HAHAHAHA..jadi, Indah berinisiatif buat manggil Fariz, cowoknya (cie..cie..) buat bantuin kita nge-shoot. Udah tuh, ditungguin, lamaaaaaaaaaaa.....banget. Ya dia mesti jemput ridho-lah, fedo-lah, or whatever. Udah sekitar 1-jaman kita nungguin dia, tapi ga dateng-dateng. Akhirnya gua 'panas' dan bilang shooting-nya besok aja, hari Senen. Semuanya pada setuju (udah pada gondok kali ya nungguin si Fariz).
Monday, November 30th 2009
Hari ini kita shooting di rumah Nandy. Pas dirumah Nandy ini, ada scene di kamar sama di cafetaria. Pertamanya, kita ngerjain bagian yang di kamar. And...succed. Abis itu, kita shooting scene di cafetaria. Berhubung kemaren ga jadi shooting di D'Flava, akhirnya kita ngejadiin bar dirumah Nandy sebagai cafetaria sekolah. Keren amat sekolah punya bar! Kayaknya kebanting banget deh sama kelasnya-____- Kelasnya bobrok, cafetaria-nya MANTEP! Hahaha...
Dengan begitu, shooting hari ini selesaiiii...!!! Sekarang, kita tinggal transfer video-nya ke dalam bentuk VCD, baru di edit deh.
Rencananya, kita mau ke Fuji Film yang di depan BSD Plaza buat transfer video ke dalem bentuk VCD, terus di edit di WTC. Tapii..ternyata ga bisa! Kata mbak-nya, kalo mau ke Plaza Serpong aja, disana udah 100% bisa. Yaudah, akhirnya kita mutusin ke sana walaupun agak jauh. Yahh..demi Final Project ini noh..
Dijalan..dengan bego-nya gua bilang :
Syifa : "Eh, Plaza Serpong dimana sih? Gua belom pernah kesana deh"
Ike : " Ada tuh...sebelom SMS kok"
Syifa :"Ohh..baru tau gua ada mall di deket situ"
Ike :"Bego lu..jadi selama ini lu tau-nya cuma WTC sama SMS doang?"
Syifa :"Enggak..kalo ga salah ada Serpong Plaza deh. Gua pernah kesitu sih, tapi cuma 1 kali doang, sepi banget"
Ike :"Syifa..kok lu lemot banget yaa..Serpong Plaza sama Plaza Serpong itu SAMA!"
Syifa :"Ohh..gitu ya..gua kira ada lagi mall di daerah sini yang namanya Plaza Serpong..."
Satu mobil pada ngakak -__-
Secara, di plang 'Serpong Plaza'-nya aja tulisannya 'Serpong' duluan, baru tulisan 'Plaza'-nya ada dibawah tulisan 'Serpong'. Jadi ya gua bacanya Serpong Plaza. Tapi gua bener-bener ga mikir kalo Plaza Serpong itu adalah Serpong Plaza.
Nih, tulisannya : (gahol abis gua masukin foto Serpong Plaza)
Ya kan? Kalo kalian bacanya gimana? 'Serpong Plaza' ato 'Plaza Serpong'?
Oke..ga penting abis gua debat soal beginian
Yelps..singkat cerita, akhirnya kita masuk ke Serpong Plaza. Sumpah..pas masuk ternyata SEPI BANGET! Bener deh..suram banget di dalem..kayak ga ada kehidupan. Gelap, ga ada orang, kotor, krikk..krik..krik.. -_______-
Feeling gua udah ga enak duluan sebelom masuk. Hii..Setelah nanya sama satpam (eh, ada satpam juga ternyata), akhirnya kita nemuin tempat ngedit video-nya. Namanya 'ProVid'. Oke deh..kita kasih kasetnya terus di transfer ke VCD terus di edit, dan TARAAAAA....jadi deh Final Project kita!!! Thanks God...alhamdulillah.. Kita terbebas dari nilai E!
Fiuhh...capek ga Syif? Ya capek lah..Hebat ya..orang syuting bisa ampe berbulan-bulan. Eh..kita cuma 2 hari..hmm..hmm..boleh lah..zzzzzzzzz -______- (jayus modon)
Hmm..ini deh, gua kasih copy-an script-nya..haha..orang iseng.
One day in West High School, there is a new student from Wisconsin. Her name is Alex.
In the class
Teacher : “Good morning class, we got a new friend here, her name is Alex. Please introduce yourself in front of the class, Alex”
Alex : “Hi everybody! My name is Alex, I’m from Wisconsin. Hope we can be a good friend”
Teacher : “Okay, that’s enough. You can sit next to Sid, there. Now, open page 63”
When the school has been disbanded, in the corridor (After school hours, in the corridor)
Phoebe : “Hi, You’re Alex right? I’m Phoebe. We’re in the same class right? Actually, I was a new comer from Wisconsin too. Ohh..I want you to meet one of my friend, Mikaela. Mikaela, this is Alex, and Alex, this is Mikaela. Hope the three of us can be a good friend”
Alex : “Hi Mikaela, nice to meet you..”
Mikaela : “Nice to meet you too, Alex. What do you think if we’re going to the cafeteria ? Honestly, I’m hungry”
Alex & Phoebe : “That’s sounds good”
In the cafeteria
(When they were eating, Lucy and Pixie approached them)
Lucy :”Ohh..new friend huh? I thought there was no one wanted to be your friend”
Pixie :”You know? Although you girls create a group like us, there’s no way you can be like us”
(Phoebe, Alex and Mikaela are silent)
Lucy :”Let’s moving up from here, Pixie. We just wasting time here”
(After that, they went left behind Alex, Phoebe and Mikaela)
Alex :”Who are they?”
Mikaela :”They are the most famous group at school. No one can face them. And please don’t get close to them. It’ll be fatal”
Alex : (Silent, thinking, nodding)
Phoebe :”That’s right! Or you’ll gonna be bullied the whole three years”
Mikaela :”Ohh..it’s 2 o’clock. I'm sorry I came home first, I wanna accompany my mother to the hospital. We continue our discussion tomorrow, bye”
Alex & Phoebe :”It’s okay, see you tomorrow”
Alex’s home
(Alex calling her sister, Carol)
Alex :”Hi Carol”
Carol :”Hey, who’s there?”
Alex :”It’s me, Alex”
Carol :”Ohh..Alex..what’s up?”
Alex :”Hmm..I’ve got something to ask you”
Carol :”Okay..tell me”
Alex :” How can I make friends with the most famous person in my school?”
Carol :”Ohh.. you wanna be popular, right? Okay..I’ll give you some advice to be popular. First, you have to get along with that famous person. You have to dare yourself if you want to be popular. Second, you have to wear a famous designer outfit like Chanel, Aigner,etc. And the last, you must have your own credit card”
Alex :”But..we’re too poor for it. Where I can get it all?”
Carol :”Ohh..I forget about it. Aha..I have an idea. You can borrow it from the employer of our mom. She’s rich!”
Alex :”That’s a good idea..thanks for your advice..bye..”
(Finally, Alex succeed to borrow the outfit and she already have her own credit card)
Tomorrow, in the school
(Alex wear that expensive outfit to the school. She became the center of attention)
Phoebe :”Wow..you look so cool Alex..I like it!”
Alex :”Thanks Phoebe..what do you think, Mikaela?”
Mikaela :”I like it..Hey, in connection with historical tasks given by Miss Jill, me and Phoebe ask you to do that homework together in the library”
Alex :”Oh..sure.. when?”
Phoebe :”This Saturday, on 5 o’clock”
Alex :”Okay, I’ll come. Ohh..I have something to do. I wanna go to the teacher office. See you in the class”
(While walking, suddenly Lucy and Pixie approached Alex)
Pixie :”Hey..is it a new outfit from Chanel?”
Alex :”Well..hmm..I have something to do..bye”
(Alex went away)
Lucy :”Hmm..we can ask her to finance all of our activity, she is rich”
Pixie :”Why don’t we take her for shopping?”
Lucy :”It sounds good..ALEX..”
(Lucy called Alex)
(Alex turn her head)
Alex :”What else?”
Lucy :”You’ll be pleased to hear it. I invite you to a shopping trip with us. Could you come?”
Alex :”Hmm..when?”
Pixie :”This Saturday, on 5 o’clock”
Alex :”But, I have another event at the same time. Sorry, I can’t go with you”
Lucy :”Forget about you event! You can go with us! It’ll be funnier..please..”
Alex :”Okay..”
In the class
Alex :”Hey Phoebe. Sorry..I can’t go to the library with you this Saturday. I want to visit my sister in Wisconsin”
Phoebe :”It’s okay..how about next week?”
Alex :”I agree..thanks Phoebe” (smile)
Saturday, in the boutique
Lucy :”Thanks for coming Alex..we shop from this boutique to another boutiques, we have to visit those boutique one by one”
Alex :”Okay..let’s go!!”
(When they were shopping in boutique)
Pixie :”Hey Alex..is it good? Do you want to buy this outfit for me? As a sign of our friendship”
Alex :”Hem..but..”
Lucy :”Yeah..Alex..I want it too..it’s cheap..only $1200. C’mon..you’re rich right?”
Alex :”Hemm…okay..”
(Finally, Alex bought them clothes. But, not just one outfit only. She bought them the outfit from all of the boutique)
A month later , in Alex’s house
(Alex got a billing statement from the credit card company)
Alex :”Oh my God! I don’t think if I had spent so much money! How can I pay all of my credit card bill? I don’t have enough money”
(Finally, Alex sell almost all of her things that she has in the house. But, her sales revenue was not enough to pay off her debts)
Next day, in the school
Phoebe :”Alex, what’s wrong with you? Why your face is so listless? Are you sick?”
Alex :”All is well, Phoebe. I’m fine”
Mikaela :”You can tell us if you have some problem. We’ll help you as much as we can”
Alex :”Hemm..ok, I’ll tell you”
(Alex told them everything happen between herself, Lucy and Pixie)
Phoebe :”They were like that. They became arrogant because they’re rich. Many persons have become their victim, include you”
Alex :”I don’t know if they will extorted my money so much”
Mikaela :”Be patient Alex..I can help you..I will ask my parents to help you”
Phoebe :”Me too.. How much do you need?
Alex :”It’s $78,000”
Mikaela :”And…you just paid $8000?”
Alex :”Yea..”
Phoebe :” Just relax, we’ll pay all of your credit card bill”
Mikaela :”We’re friends right?”
Alex :”Thanks guys”
(While they’re eating at the cafeteria, suddenly Lucy and Pixie approached them)
Lucy :”Hey Alex, you wanna shopping again with us next week?”
Alex :”Sorry..that’s enough! I don’t want to be your victim anymore! I regret to have a friend like you! I’m sure that you would get punishment! Phoebe, Mikaela, let’s moving up from here!”
Pixie :”How arrogant they are”
(When Lucy and Pixie were a way, suddenly someone who bringing the food hit them and the food was spilled on their clothes)
Lucy and Pixie :”Oh no!!!! Arggghhh…..” (screaming)
(Alex, Phoebe, Mikaela and the other person laughing)
Alex :”Oh.. I’m so glad to see they are exposed to penalties” (laughing)
Syifa as Pixie
Ike as Lucy
Indah as Phoebe
Alif as Mikaela
Nandy Maretha as Alex
Ngerti kan inti ceritanya gimana? Gua males lagi nulis sinopsis-nya..jadi gini aja yak..OKE, bye bye..mau ga mau mesti sekolah walopun males. Hemm..
By : syifasippo
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